A Sight for Sore Eyes

I finally saw the eye disease specialist at OCB—Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston—who examined my eyes. He said I do not have blepharitis. He thinks it’s an allergy to one of of the medications for glaucoma I put in my eyes ever night. He has me off everything for a week to see if my eyes clear up. He also put me on an ointment that should help with the itching.  It seems to help some so far.


We’ll see soon if that’s the answer at last. I see him again in a month. I couldn’t work yesterday, since my eyes were just so sore from all the tests and examination. They are not hurting this morning, just itchy as usual.

He said to use only cool compresses and a gel eye mask you keep in the freezer, and to avoid the warm compresses I had been advised to use.  It all goes on and on and on. At least, I am seeing a doctor who is interested in the problem, as only my osteopath was previously. This has been going on since late December.


I still hope to finish this go through by Mondai. Dale thinks he will be able to work with me then, although I may shorten the workday if he does come, so that he doesn’t wear himself out. The heart surgery went well. They replaced a valve in his heart with something from a cow’s stomach. ?????  Anyhow, it as a new operation where they didn’t have to cut him open from stem to stern but made three small incisions – as was done when my gall bladder was removed.


We had a wonderful mild spell for a few days. Everything growing got excited. Daffodil spears are sticking up here and there. The witch hazel at the bottom of the drive is in full fragrant bloom. All the first batch of seeds I began in the storeroom have popped and gone out to the greenhouse. I started Oriental and Italian eggplants, three kinds of bell peppers, a frying pepper and the hot Arapaho peppers. They’re all on heating pads in the store room as I wait for them to sprout. They won’t go out to the greenhouse for at least a month. They’ll sit in the bay window to the disgust of the cats until the weather is warmer. (The cats view the bay window as theirs and love to sunbathe on fake-fur blankets.)


Woody does the shopping in Orleans today and I do the personal laundry. I hope to get through at least 40 pp of my book. I also hope that my eyes will quiet at least a bit today. I don’t expect miracles, but I’d appreciate an improvement.


I hope to get back to writing poems next week. I stopped every other writing project while carrying out what I hope is my final run-through.


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