A Hint of Spring

After what has been bitter cold, this week we’ve enjoyed much milder temperatures. Woody has been able to work outside a bit, cleaning out the greenhouse so seedlings can go out there. We use it as a shed for commonly used tools and items like potting soil and organic fertilizer.  Then, he cleaned up our oldest shed, which I have been afraid to enter for some time – maybe three years?


It was so mild – in the low fifties – that I just put on a light leather jacket instead of a winter coat or even my pea jacket.  That was Wednesday when and I went to Ocean Job Lots. I was hoping to pick up a packet of broccoli but they had every vegetable I could think of, but no broccoli seeds.  I goy food items like jams and smoked fish and anchovies.  Then we went to Marion’s Pies in Chatham, where I got a seafood pie we ate for two nights. They make the best pies.  Dale got a couple of pies, seafood and chicken.


He went into Boston with his partner Stephen on Thursday evening. He is scheduled for a heart valve operation today, Friday, as I’m writing this. He always puts on a brave front and essentially says, what me worry?  But his friends do worry and I’m sure Stephen is heavily concerned.


I started the first seeds this week: broccoli [but not enough for what Woody wants this year], bok choi, salad bowl lettuce, cilantro, flat leaf parsley, and as an experiment, two kinds of Chinese cabbage. Since we can no longer grow it in the fall, as I had for 40 years here, we thought we’d try growing it this spring.


I am now reading a book that Stephanie gave me, about unusual animals. After ORBITAL, I wanted nonfiction. I am finally starting through the pile of books that accumulated while I couldn’t read because of my eye problems. My vision was too blurry. I’m starting with the books friends gave me for the holidays.


Woody just bought a new Roku as the way we watch streaming on our new ‘smart’ TV is annoying and slow. Prime is especially annoying. We often give up when we’re trying to watch some program on Prime; particularly annoying for football games. We’ll see how Roku works out.


Spring is my favorite season of the year. I know cold is back next week, but I see buds beginning to swell. Even the witch hazel I had given up for dead is in bloom. I know it’s getting back to being cold next week, but I still feel a vibe of spring coming. It’s still dark way too early, but a lot better than it was. I am looking forward to eating supper in daylight.

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