September Song, September Gone

This was a quiet week.  I planted the fall crops I had started that survived the onslaught of cabbage caterpillars when they were on the front porch. I lost most of my Chinese cabbage seedlings.  They didn’t touch the cilantro seedlings.  Guess they have that gene that makes cilantro taste like soap.
I planted seeds of radishes, arugula, and dill.  I had already planted seeds of a very spicy arugula, which is ready to pick now.\


We had a great mouse hunt this week.  I found out when I woke up to find Willow on my Chest trying to give or feed me something – a nice plump fresh mouse.  I declined it and Schwartzie took it away from her to eat himself. He’s the only cat who eats them.  Otherwise laid back  affectionate gentlemanly Schwartzie.


I have mostly been working on my book, but did write two poems.  I  had a long eye appointment yesterday at Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston. That has two offices on the Cape.  It wasn’t as bad as it usually is.  Oftentimes you sis around for half an hour at a time waiting, then a procedure, then more waiting, then another procedure etc etc etc.


We never saw BAND OF BROTHERS when it was on HBO, but we’re watching it now on Netflix. I find it moving.  I was immersed in World War II research for years while oi was writing GONE TO SOLDIERS. Besides, I lived through it was a child.  My father was an air raid warden and my mother made soap from lye and grew vegetables, I collected newspapers and cans.  My brother was drafted into the Marines right after he divorced isabelle,whom my parents had forced him to marry when they came home early and found them fucking. We only watch TV for a couple of hours perhaps five times a week, or four.  So we have to be choosy what we watch usually together.  If I record something Woody is interested in and I’m not, he can watch it is his man cave.  I don’t have to. Like basketball.  Can’t follow it.  Men in baggy shorts running  up and down a floor.


I have found watching Thursday night football unacceptable on Prime.  They force you to watch an hour of wasted blah blah if you want to want the game.  You can’t turn it on at eight and just see the game.  Plus there are huge numbers of ads in spite of having paid for Prime.  I won’t watch it unless the game sounds compelling.  Woody thinks there’s a way to be able to start when the game starts and rewind, but he doesn’t know how to do it. Usually fiddling with streaming and programming is up ot me, but I just haven’t had time to research it.  If it costs more, they can keep it.


This coming week, I have a ZOOM interview with my Brazlian translator—WOTEOT has come out there in Brazilian Portuguese. An hour on Wednesday.  Then Thursday, we get our Covid shots in the morning and I have a dentist appointment in the afternoon.  What fun!  This is not my favorite week’s schedule.


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