

Frequently Requested Contacts and Addresses

Marge’s Literary Agent (for film, theatrical, audio, and reprint rights of fiction & prose; and broadcasting, musical setting and performance rights for poetry):

Cat Sketch by Gwen John

Cat Sketch by Gwen John

Robin Straus
Robin Straus Agency, Inc.
229 East 79th Street, Suite 5A
New York , NY 10075
(212) 472-3282

Permissions to reprint poems (from all poetry books except Early Grrrl)

Penguin Random House Permissions

The Marge Piercy Archive at the University of Michigan Library:

Permission to reprint from Early Grrrl and So You Want to Write (2nd Ed.):
Ira Wood

For publicity photographs:
Ira Wood

For information about honorariums and available for dates Marge Piercy appearances (speeches, lectures, poetry readings,
workshops, etc.):
Marge Piercy Bookings


Contact Marge
