Trying to Write a Difficult Poem

Since I’m obsessed with the Ukraine and Russian’s criminal war against a country that was democratic and fairly prosperous I’m trying to write a poem about it. I do of course see friends, cook for them, to go their houses, talk and email with them.  I read books, watch Netflix, but my mind is never far from that unholy war.  Images haunt me. So far, five rough tries.  It’s hard not to spout cliches.  I’m still trying.

I finally wrote what was feasible.  It’s gone through I don’t know how many drafts, but is coming together finally, I think.

We had two snows but both vanished quickly, as opposed to the last storm of ice over snow that stuck around for at least ten days.  It’s so pleasant to look outside and see bare ground in the gardens and raised beds.  I greet the daffodils poking up and the crocuses in bloom with intense pleasure.  This has been a long very cold winter with occasional warm thaws for a couple of days.  I’m tired of it as so many of us are.  I’ve started hardy crops like broccoli and bok choi and they’re out in the greenhouse. That means protecting them with bottom heat during the cold nights that keep coming. I’ve also started eggplants and hot, frying and sweet peppers.  They are just beginning to germinate. They’ll go into the bay window in the livingroom – much to the cats’ annoyance.  As soon as they pop, I will start paste tomatoes, summer savory, marjoram and calendula. 

I’m hoping to start 10 new six-packs today.

I get the weirdest requests sometimes.  Like someone saying, I remember you wrote a poem about your mother.  Could you send it to me?  I’ve must have written a hundred poems about my mother, but even if they asked for a poem about geese, I’ve had 20 collections of poetry   in zines probably at least 600 more. How can I remember? 

Melenie and her husband Jay arrived yesterday. Woody rottisseried a duck.  I made bulghur pilaf and fennel pear salad.  Tonight Tasha, back from Dartmouth where she teaches, and her mother Stephanie who goes between Wellfleet & the Berkshires, are coming to supper with Melenie and Jay.  I’ll be making a paella.  I’ll make dessert this morning.  Actually, I should finish this later and start baking now.

Tuesday is not a night we like to go out, but Bruce and John invited us with two people who are new to us and since that was when they could do it, we’re going.  It’ll have to be a relatively early evening.  Bruce is reputed to be a good cook.

Schwartzie and Willow continue to grow closer, although of course they have an occasional spat bout who gets to lie on me in bed.They not only hunt together, they explore anything new together. Schwartzie still steals Willow’s food and treats when he can, and Willow will grow fiercely at him if he tries to butt in when I’m petting her.

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