Coughing and Wheezing

After ten days of intense socializing, I realized that I closely interacted with over 40 people – more than I saw in an entire year during the days of heavy covid.  I also did most of the cooking, etc., for two of the events. I realized that when, last Saturday, I woke up quite sick. 


I was coughing so violently I threw up at one point.  My head was made of runny cheese.  I had a low-grade fever and I was nauseous and couldn’t eat.  I thought it was from the heavy tree pollen accumulation.  But after I finally contacted my doctor and he had me come in for chest X-Ray [he thought I might have pneumonia] and blood work, it turns out I have bronchitis.  I’m now on a powerful antibiotic.  I am eating, 


I was steadily improving through yesterday, but the lack of sleep is really catching up with me.  By now I am coughing much less.  But two things bring on the cough: one is talking much; the other is getting into bed.  I can sit all evening on the couch reading or watching TV with maybe a few coughs, but the moment I get into bed, I start that wracking cough.  I’ve tried sitting up and every other bed position known to woman.  The lack of sleep is weakening me and my eyes sore. 


The garden is flourishing.  All I was able to do this week was plant pansies and some summer bulbs.  The land is so gorgeous now with hundreds of daffodils and many dark blue hyacinths and a few red tulips. The bushes are mostly leafing out. I don’t even know if all the seeds I’ve panted in the soil have germinated  I’m done starting seeds indoors for three months.  I miss working in the garden. I am hoping to get outside tomorrow if it isn’t raining.  But we need the rain desperately.


I have mostly days that show improvement, but I probably overdid it yesterday or else the lack of sleep is just weakening me. The cats don’t mind.  I’m at their mercy, Every one of them takes a turn or two getting on me and demanding to be petted, loved, given catnip and treats.  I’m a sitting duck, so available.


Bonnie came by to see me this morning and drop something off.  We gave her the bok choi we didn’t plant.  There were too many survivors.  Woody planted a whole row of them and that’s quite enough. Tomorrow I’ll send reminders to the poets who are accepted to my intensive poetry workshop in June.  They have to submit 15 poems we can work on and the remainder of the fee.  I also have to send out notices to the women in my poetry group that we’re meeting this Wednesday and how many are coming.  I already know two are going to be away. Indira is in Tuscany and Lynnne has a previous commitment.  I don’t know if Kathy can get away from work as this is top whale season. We go over two poems apiece.



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