October surprise and the Simplification Attempt
So the FBi has decided to try to scuttle Hillary. I have zero faith in the FBI in spite of endless TV programs glorifying them. They harassed me when I was in the anti-war movement and the early days of the women’s movement. They sicced informers on me, people I had known who had been turned. My phone was tapped,etc. When I got my files from the FBI under the Freedom of Information Act, there were pages and pages of total fiction. The missed 75% of what I actually did and wrote and recorded what was 75% complete misinformation. The CIA was a lot closer to reality in their files. Sure, I’m upset, But how can any number of emails compare to what Donald Trump has done to women, to people who worked for him, how he has avoided federal taxes and fought to avoid pay state and local state and local taxes, how he has lied and lied and lied again. And what he wants to do to everyone who isn’t one of his worshippers? immigrants, women, the poor, everyone not welloff and white? I have taken on too much this fall and realize I need to reconsider what I agree to do. It’s time to cut back, to skip meetings, to refuse to take a role in more organizations, to do only a few gigs. To keep pushing myself hard all the time. I need to cut way back if I can make myself do that. I have worked since I was 12. I am used to working very hard as I’ve done, as I’ve had to do all my life. It’s time to slow down but I find it difficult to do that. I know I must to survive. I am also trying to get my life and our house in order. I know we have to cut back on the gardens. I know I can’t manage everything I could at 40 or 50 or even 65. I have gone through five bookcases and given away several hundred books. I have more to sort through. I’m trying on or simply passing on clothing, shoes, boots, coats, jackets. I feel a need to pare down. I have sent at least a ton of papers to my archives at the University of Michigan and just sent off yet another sizable box this last week. Yet I feel that I have way way too many things, books, papers, DVRs, clothes. But we don’t have too many cats! They are all wonderful in different ways and give both of us constant pleasure. With so many locals having become snowbirds, less people are feeding birds in the fall and winter and we have more birds at our feeders than ever before. But I don’t think we have too many birds. Feeders hang on both sides of the diningroom where we eat all our meals [no room in the small kitchen for a table] and I delight in watching them. Cardinals, finches, bluejays, doves, chickadees, nuthatches, woodpeckers, let them all come and eat. It’s cat TV.