Busy and Uneventful
I sent off a summer bulb order of acidanthera, dahlias, begonias, calla lilies and colocassia. Dahlias I find I have to treat as annuals because, lacking a garage or attic, they always either dry up or sprout in the middle of the winter when I try to save them by digging them up and storing them. The calla liliies survived much neglect and even multiplied, but I like them a lot as potted plants and want more. I wrote three poems and sent out two of them along with others. I am collecting an alternate or two for my juried intensive poetry class as someone or even two always drop out every year when it gets real in late April. At that time, they have to pay the rest of the fee, have to send me 15 poems as a basis for their conference and have had to secure lodging in June they can afford. Ajia, my assistant, and I sent out Wellfleet maps and brochures to the poets accepted into the class and now I’m trying to set up a Facebook private group for them. Actually Wood set up the group, but trying to get people on it has consumed most of my time last two days. Three of them are still not on it. I use the group to have people introduce themselves to each other and to me. I answer questions about the class, conferences and other events. I try to help them find lodging. I learn their modes of transportation for getting to Wellfleet and whether they will have a car here. The ones without cars I try to link up with the ones who do for getting to class or to conferences or other events. I find out who else is in their party. Lastly, poets can share work on the group site and get feedback. We had a little snow this week but it was gone in two hours. It got quite cold one night and I think that was the end of vegetables from the garden, except for mint that crawled into the greenhouse and parsnips that are doing fine under a straw mulch. Yesterday I walked by the pier with Dale. He told me the small grey shingled house that is sitting on a barge on the pier came from Provincetown where it used to sit in the harbor until the owner had a fight with the Ptown harbormaster. Last week I was curious how it got there. I am planning my reading for Ann Arbor the week after. I’ll be reading in the afternoon at the U of Michigan, my alma mater, on the 26th. I’m still figuring out what I want to read there. Monday Ajia and I are working half a day and will try to get my itinerary together with maps and relevant correspondence. Today is the Pat’s game against the Chiefs. they have so many injuries, I don’t know if they can pull it off. I hate it when games are at 4:30 because I have to cook supper. Today Woody is going to get take-out well before the game and I’ll just reheat it while he makes a quick salad.That way, we won’t miss much. If the Pats are losing, he won’t watch anyway, although I do.