Marge Piercy

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The Tree Takes Over

Much of this week was involved with the balsam we bought last Saturday.  First  on Sunday, Woody put it up in the livingroom after moving the furniture around.  A chair had to go out on the sunporch. 


Then Tuesday, we put the lights the lights on it.


Wednesday, we slowly began to trim it.  All this time, of course, we’re working and doing all the chores around the house.  I have a lot of old VHS tapes that I wish I could watch, but have no way of doing so.  They take up two shelves and I’ve been going thorugh them. Because of recycling, I need to take one  a time, rip the pasteboard covers off so they can go to the dump.  I still have some to deal with, as they’re hea vy and only so much will fit in a plastic lawn bag.  It makes me a little sad to see them go, as they are not replaceable. 


Anyhow, we began  putting ornments on the tree and pretty much finished  trimming it on Friday.  When I have some time tomorrow I’ll go over it  and figure out where more is needed and where it’s too crowded, which happens. It’s a funky overfcrowded tree with normal ornaments in a  minority and many animals of all kins – cats, a mouse, dolphines, whales, octopus, fish, fox, horse, cow, pig, deer, many birds including a hummingbird form Italy, bear, camel, lion, tiger, leopard, etc.  then there are some vegetables – eggplant, cucumbers, corn – and fruit --- grapes, plum apple, etc.


I wrote  poems this week but did nothing on my book.  I wanted to set it aside for a while to view it with fresh eyes.


I’m slowly reading Kurlasky’s onion book.  Many old fashioned recipes or little interest. I finished World Archeology magazine, also this week.  And Science news. And the Cornell cat newsletter.


Melenie will not be coming this year. Jay will be leaving Philly tomorrow after cleaning out his mother’s apartment – she has dementia and went into a nursing home – and bringing her young male cat [fixed of  course] with him to Easthampton.  Melenie is very worried about how her 14 year old cat Pearl will reat to him, if with gradual introduction I have been explaining to her, they may learn to get along. Louie, is declawed, so he must always be in some measure of pain with part of his toes cut off. 

He's a friendly and sweet cat.  I hope it all works out.  I’ll mail Melenie’ s presents Monday—or rather Dale will take them to the Post Office.  I have been wrapping every day except Monday and have only about 6 or 7 to go, including a couple that haven’t come yet.