Last Polish and a Chinese Feast
I fiddled around with the last 30 pp of the book and now, finally, am satisfied with it. Monday, Dale and I will go through looking at the poems that are embedded throughout. Proof them, decide if where they are is the best place or if there’s a better match.
Saturday night we had a Chinese influenced feast that Tasha cooked. She came down to Wellfleet from Dartmouth for the weekend. In a couple of weeks, she is gong to Scotland for a week with friends, staying in a former abbey turned hotel on Loch Ness.
She’ll come down briefly – one night- to bring Kitty Kitty to stay in Wellfleet with Stephanie while she’s in Scotland. Kitty Kitty looks just like Schwartzie, but has a totally different cat-sonality, He is strictly a one-person cat, only Tasha. He adores her and follows her form room to room . Wants to be near her at all times.
Whereas Schwartzie is a social animal, enjoying guests, attention, very involved with the other cats. Affectionate with Wood and me and with various guests he likes. People who make generalizations about a cats from their own cats [orange cats are feisty, white cats are docile] don’t know cats well.
I am hoping to get back into writing poems. I’ve written only a few since the book came back to me for revisions. I miss it.
This morning I started the first seeds of the year. Woody filled nine 6-packs for me. I planted two six packs of broccoli, two of salad bowl lettuce, Italian parsley, cilantro,bok choi, and I am experimenting with two kinds of Chinese cabbage. I always grew it in the fall, but it has been too warm too long and my crops of fall have failed every year for the past three. So because I really love Chinese cabbage as does Woody, I’m experimenting.
Snow from the last big storm has almost all gone. There’s a bit on the plowed gardens and little patches in the woods here and there, but largely, vanished. It has been an unusually cold and stormy winter here. We like our usual mild winters, although people sometimes complain of lack of snow. Nobody’s complaining about that this winter, although compared to much of Massachusetts, we’re getting it easy. Melenie in Easthampton, MA has well over a foot with layers of ice in between layers of snow
Much bird activity. Instead of the usual pair of cardinals we see every winter, we have three pairs all sharing the feeders. I think it’s because Woody changed up the bird food from all sunflower hearts to a mixture with peanuts, hearts, and all kinds of other seeds.