Going to the Dentist is a Real Pain in the...Back
I had a dental appointment that lasted an hour and forty minutes long on Thursday. When I walked out of there, I was dizzy and frozen. My back pain was agonizing. Dentists’ chairs are not designed for people’s backs, especially short people like me. I wasn’t good for much until this morning, Saturday morning. I hope I can get some work done today. My back is still painful, but bearable. I’ll keep putting ice on it, alternating sometimes with heat.
I’m terrified of going back in three weeks to get the crowns put on. I don’t know how to communicate with her, as I don’t have her email. I’d like to explain how it felt afterward.
We’ve finally had two sunny days in a row, and today is starting out sunny. We’ve had an exceptionally grey and rainy winter so far. No snow, although several times the TV weather people have predicted it for us. Again this coming week. Maybe we’ll get some as I notice the temperature is going way down. I don’t really miss snow as it makes it so much harder to get around. Sometimes, if they haven’t plowed our road, it’s just not possible to go anywhere.
I didn’t write for two days after the dentist, but I’m hoping to get back to work today. Woody has been doing the cooking, but today, I’ll resume. Scallops on creamed spinach, probably brown rice with it. Tomorrow probably some kind of lamb or split a small steak. Scallops along with oysters are my favorite seafoods. I enjoy lobster, but I couldn’t have it every week, as I can oysters and scallops. Those I’d be happy to have twice a week at least.
Our electric bill was stunning this month. Twice what it was last month. The utilities are killing us, both with their emissions and their greed. The state commissions supposed to regulate them are their puppets and simply approve all raises. They should be public utilities b because like water, we can’t do without them in daily life.
Willow has been unusually bolt lately. She likes eating separately from the boys at supper. They are always taking her food. She understood by the second day where and why she is eating in the storage room and now goes there and waits to be fed and the door closed. The cats have been very into catnip lately. I think it goes like this: one cat decades they really want catnip and gets it. The other smell it and then they want it. It makes Schwartzie sleepy, Shaman playful and Willow super affectionate. Like mj that behaves differently with each of us. I never got the munchies. I just relaxed beyond anything in normal times. Woody gets paranoia. Dope is not good for him unless it lacks THC.
I ordered perennials from Bluestone. Today, I’ll decide if I need to order any from Select Seeds. Seeds ordered have come except the ones they ran out of. I should sort seeds that get started inside into marked weekly envelopes.