Marge Piercy

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Garlic Tme

I missed writing my weekly blog. We did a lot of garden work last week. Woody pulled all the hard-neck garlic, three kinds I order every year. Last year we had a skimpy harvest but Woody moved it to the other end of his garden, changed fertilizer to worm casings. This July, a bumper crop. I pulled all the bolted lettuce from its raised bed and also the arugula in another bed. I planted 3 kinds of zucchini, patty pan squash, more arugula and more dill. 


Saturday, Chaim and Thersa came over for a meal of gravlax, shrimp in a tasty cream/garlic sauce served with rotini. Also, a plate of sliced tomatoes with our sliced cucumbers and my zukes-in-custard dish with lots of herbs and parmesan cheese. Woody got an almond pound cake from P & B Boulangerie. Excellent, not too sweet. That bakery is a lifesaver (two-hour saver?) when you need a good desert.


The garlic dried on the table on the sunporch for several days and then Sunday, we processed it, cutting off the dried tops and the beards on the bottom.  I
 was working away with I sliced deeply into my left index finger. It bled copiously and hurt like hell. I cleaned it, put on antiseptic and bandaged it.


Tuesday morning, we divided the harvest into very large heads in one mesh bag, medium heads in another and small heads and separated cloves together in a third bag, to be used at once. My finger is healing well so far. I’m lucky it wasn’t my right hand.


We are getting sungold cherry tomatoes, some paste tomatoes from my garden and a few cucumbers. They are not being productive this year. The vines are already dying. I planted more in my garden this week.


I’m wrote a couple of poems last week and this week, two more. I have been making good progress on THE HOUR OF MY DEATH, being now about 2/3s of the way through looking for repetitions, typos, writing that can be improved.  I need to go back over everything in the last 75 pp looking for places that would improve with recipes.  Then I’ll go over the poems, proof them and see if they are the best choice where I’ve stuck them or if another site in the ms. is better or if I need a better poem.  There are so many to choose among. It will keep me quite busy for the rest of the summer.


This week my poetry group meets, I see the osteopath who works on my back and neck and I need to keep weeding and start seriously freezing: first of all, pattypan puree and pesto. Also Gigi is coming over. Indira came last week