Marge Piercy

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All Kinds of Happenings

I went to bed at my usual time. I cough when I first get into bed.  Willow jumped off and ran away.  I know she dislikes my coughing. I was drifting off to sleep when I felt her on me. She was shoving something at my mouth.  I woke up and it was a live mouse.  I shrieked and push it off and it promptly fled. Willow glanced at me in disappointment and then started chasing it around the room. She thought since I wouldn’t eat the dead mouse she tried to feed me in my sickness, perhaps I required a nice fresh live mouse to eat and get my strength back. 


After several minutes, while she was still chasing the mouse all over the bedroom, Schwartzie came in and the two of them cooperated in hunting.  But then soon after, Shaman heard them.  They are both excellent mousers; Shaman is not.  He gets too excited and tries to jump the mouse.  Never works.  After he got in the way, Willow came back tor bed, making a disgusted noise.  Somehow during the night, the mouse was dispatched by Willow or Schwartzie.


Willow is a strange cat – by far our smartest. She ponders, worries.  She will not come out of hiding when guests come.  With Dale, she is used to him on Mondays and just ignores him. But when Melenie comes, she rubs against her, asks to be petted and even allows and in fact asks for belly rubs.  Melenie was my assistant  the first year of Willow’s life and she has never forgotten her.  She stayed with her the whole time we were talking.  Jay’s one person play about his abuse at the hands of a priest was having a one night performance in ptown. I couldn’t go as I was coughing too much and my doctor said to stay out of crowds and public places while I’m so vulnerable.  With the coughing, I’m not a good guest or companion.


My garden is entirely planted.  I’m still doing a bit of weeding and seeing if I need anything more in the pollinator  beds.  I planted zinnias I started inside.  I dug theminto a place where weeds had taken over. We had a bumper cropof peonies this May – huge and gorgeous.  The lilacs are done, but the rhododendrons are starting to bloom, white, pink and purple.  Red not yet.


We’re eating lots of great salads from my garden, seven kinds of lettuce, arugula, garden cress, red mustard, also bok choi in stir fries or as a vegetable. And many spinach salads of my own recipe. I have to start freezing spinach this morning.  The humidity went down overnight – the air has been molasses – so I want to get outside this afternoon.


My agent is back from London so I sent her THE HOUR OF MY DEATH Tuesday.  I have no idea if she can market it, as it’s such a weird genre.  I’ve pretty much aged out of New York, anyhow.


So the brave members of the jury finally convicted Trump – first time for all this cheats and crimes. The conman finally held responsible, but I doubt it will mean anything in the election.